Our Townsville Business Centre is open 7:30am - 5:00pm at reduced capacity due to staff availability caused by flooding.
Cat Grade with Cross Slope for Motor Graders

Cat® Grade with Cross Slope is an integrated system that enables motor grader operators to achieve grade faster and more accurately by automating the cross slope of the blade, allowing the operator to do more in the same amount of time. Other cost-saving benefits of the system include lower fuel consumption and up to 40% less material usage.


Cat® Grade with Cross Slope is an integrated system that enables operators to achieve grade faster and more accurately by automating the cross slope of the blade, allowing the operator to do more in the same amount of time.

Cat Undercarriage Track Header

Services & Support

Hastings Deering; YOUR ADVANTAGE

Customer support

When unexpected downtime occurs, it's good to know that prompt and reliable customer support is just a phone call away. Our world-class support network includes workshop and field technicians throughout Queensland and Northern Territory.

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Equipment servicing

Hastings Deering field service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to ensure we can keep you moving whenever and wherever you are.

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HDAdvantage® is a hassle-free support and maintenance program that takes the guesswork out of machine ownership.

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